On October 13, 2020 a ceremony was held at the Foundation of the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, launching a joint project with Mitrelli Group to reinforce the capabilities of the Institute of Cardiology of Abidjan, which will enable it to perform heart surgeries for children.
The very next day, five Côte d’Ivoire children and their mothers were flown to Wolfson Medical Center in Israel, where they were hosted by the Save a Child’s Heart foundation. One-year old Zeinab, two-year-olds Mia and Loukman, six-year-old Aaron and seven-year-old Prunelle, all suffering from congenital heart defects, spent the next few weeks preparing for life-saving surgeries. After recovery, they were transferred to the Save a Child’s Heart home in Holon, for further recovery until their return to Côte d’Ivoire.
This collaboration was made possible due to the remarkable generosity of Haim Taib Menomadin Foundation. Mitrelli Group representative in Côte d’Ivoire had this to say: “Such extreme expressions of caring are not to be taken for granted, and they create ripples of positive influence all over the world, including Côte d’Ivoire. I am especially proud to be able to take part in such activities, which reflect our concern for and commitment to the countries that we serve. I wish to thank Haim Taib, Meirav Galili and the entire Menomadin team. Your vision and compassion are heart-warming”.