Samba Lucala Grain Farm

Angola, 2016-2020

Agricultiva developed and implemented a grain farm, cultivating maize and soya. The 2,000-hectare project includes state of the art machinery, a logistics center and training facilities.

Project story

Angola’s population is growing at an annual rate of about 3.27%, with food consumption and prices on the rise. In its drive to achieve nutritional self-sufficiency, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries gave top priority to producing basic crops that are staples in the local diet. In 2016, the ministry designated approximately 10,000 hectares for the Samba Lucala project, including 2,000 hectares of grain, corn and soybeans for human and animal
consumption, with 1,300 hectares irrigated by central pivots and the rest by dry farming.

The project includes state-of-the-art machinery and a logistics center with all the facilities required to assist the farmers. It features silos equipped with dryers, warehouses, water supply and energy systems. Agricultiva also provides comprehensive training for local personnel.

The process


The project had to be adapted to suit local topographic conditions and available water resources. Relevant machinery had to be selected to suit the skills of its intended operators.


Agricultiva provided local staff with comprehensive training to assure proper performance of their duties and sustainability of the project.


A water-control barrage was built and storage silos were planned to accommodate entire harvests, with cleaning, drying and storage under optimal conditions until the grains are sold, either in bulk or bagged.

Some numbers

SDGs we followed

1· 2· 8· 9

No poverty• Zero hunger• Decent work and economic growth• Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Annual production of soybeans

5K T

Annual production of corn

14K T

Some numbers

SDGs we followed

1· 2· 8· 9

No poverty• Zero hunger• Decent work and economic growth• Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Annual production of soybeans

5K T

Annual production of corn

14K T

In conversation
with Tomás Vunge

Tomás Vunge is a Machine Operator.

Not long ago, I went through some difficult times. I had no job and my living conditions were substandard. I had to do odd jobs to support my family. When the opportunity arose to work on the Agricultiva farm I grabbed it with both hands. I’d never worked with machines before and knew very little about them, so I dedicated myself to learning from our managers. Today, I work with large, modern machines.

This job has changed my life and my family’s. It has given us security and stability. I’ve learned that we can evolve from day to day, doing the job better and better.

I understand that if I carry out my responsibilities, I’ll be rewarded at the end of the month, and able to provide a better future for my children. This is very gratifying.

Agricultiva has helped many people, bringing development to our region and creating jobs. Today, there’s no unemployment in our region. This new farm has brought us hope for a better future.

“I’ve learned that we can evolve from day to day, doing the job better and better.”

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