Malanje Youth Village

Angola, 2018

During 2017-2018 we designed and built the Malanje Youth Village, meant to educate, train, strengthen and empower at-risk youth in external conditions, while offering with a warm home environment.

Project story

The Youth Villages project targets at-risk rural youth, unsuited to traditional educational frameworks. The youth villages provide the practical knowledge and skills needed to enter the local job market. The Malanje Youth Village offers an integrated 3-year multi-disciplinary curriculum with specialized vocational studies in agriculture and other professional disciplines. Students enjoy full boarding-school conditions and a loving home environment
that nurtures vital social skills.

Four Youth Villages are already in operation in Angola, with another nearing completion and three more planned. Each can accommodate about 200 students and an administrative staff of about 20 technicians, drawn from surrounding areas. The Malanje Youth Village won Mitrelli’s outstanding project award for 2018.

The process


Focus Education had to identify and contact the young people most likely to benefit from what the village offers, while also recruiting staff.


We sought to strike an optimal balance between the village’s general educational goals and the needs of the marketplace for skilled graduates. We also recruited high-level trainers in various professional disciplines.


Providing quality education, practical knowledge and the skills needed to enter the local job market.

Some numbers

SDGs we followed

4· 5· 8· 10

Quality education• Gender equality• Decent work and economic growth• Reduced inequalities

The Malanje Youth Village won Mitrelli’s outstanding project award for 2018.

Approximate number of students the Youth Village can accommodate


Approximate number of an administrative staff of technicians the Youth Village can accommodate


Some numbers

SDGs we followed

4· 5· 8· 10

Quality education• Gender equality• Decent work and economic growth• Reduced inequalities

The Malanje Youth Village won Mitrelli’s outstanding project award for 2018.

Approximate number of students the Youth Village can accommodate


Approximate number of an administrative staff of technicians the Youth Village can accommodate


In conversation
with Nelson Kilola

Nelson Kilola is the Director of Malanje Youth Village since its inauguration in 2018.

Our Youth Village has become a “calling card” for our region, bringing hope for a better future to hundreds of youngsters from Mucari and neighboring municipalities. Here, they learn “how to work”, through practical training, using modern tools in state-of-the-art facilities.

We have a very young staff, so my main concern is to support the village’s administrative, maintenance and logistics personnel, as well as the agronomists who work with us.

Along with practical training for many youngsters, this project has created new employment horizons for the local community, along with an additional source of food products such as eggs and vegetables.

“This project has created new employment horizons for the local community.”

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